This creation belonging to the Vita Marina Collection vaguely recalls the fan-shaped Seaweed and I imagine it in the hands of Partenope, the mermaid from which my city comes to life. Inside it welcomes a group of small mollusks.
Marina Orlando, Italien, I have modeled clay for a little over a decade, creating shapes that are sometimes recognizable and sometimes absolutely imaginary as if she was swimming in a fantastic sea. Among the different types of clay, She prefers the white one that she fires in an electric kiln at low temperature, melting and overlapping glazes and crystalline.
Marina Orlando, italiana, da poco più di una decina di anni modella l’argilla realizzando forme a volte riconoscibili e a volte assolutamente immaginarie come se nuotasse in un mare fantastico. Preferisce, tra le diverse terre, l’argilla bianca che cuoce in forno elettrico a bassa temperatura fondendo e sovrapponendo smalti e cristalline.