The exploration of textures has been and still is an incredible journey, guiding me in my work. I am instinctively attracted to intricate surfaces. I find them everywhere and the more I research the more I realize how everything is made of patterns. Matter has its own inner structure, an inner world made of
repetitive forms. I project myself into this fractal world following the guidance of nature that suggests an unlimited variety of structures and textures. I laboriously play to interpret these forms and the perception
of movement they create. Though drawn from the imagination, my creations reference our world and the atoms of which it is composed.
Artist and ceramic expert Angelica was born in Avellino, but moved to London early to study art, design, ceramics, and painting at Morley College. In addition to numerous exhibitions and collaborations in Italy and abroad. Her works are in public and private collections all over the world.
Artista ed esperta di ceramica Angelica è nata ad Avellino, ma si è trasferita a Londra presto per studiare arte, design, ceramica e pittura al Morley College. Oltre a numerose esposizioni e collaborazioni in Italia e all’estero. Le sue opere sono in collezioni pubbliche e private in tutto il mondo.