Annalisa Ferrucci

 Nome e Cognome: Annalisa Ferrucci
Provenienza: Calvanico, Italy
Titolo dell’opera: Greedy Siren and the toucan – Sirena Golosona e il tucano, 2020
Dimensioni dell’opera: ø 42 x 36 cm
Tecnica e/o descrizione dell’opera: It is a creation that in a moment of uncertainty, apprehension and strong anxiety, such as the one we are experiencing, wants to represent the light-heartedness of normality that we all hope to reach soon. It is a mermaid that I wanted fat, with the intent that the vision of the same can instill in us, detaching us eve for a moment from reality, the tranquility of a world of dreams, of colors typical of a tropical island, like that in which Golosona with the toucan is immersed. The latter appears and makes the moment even more magical with his floral tribute to Golosona. This is a gesture of extreme refinement that brings a smile to the face of the mermaid, a smile that I hope to see soon imprinted on the faces of all of us.
Descrizione Personale: 

Annalisa Ferrucci was born in Salerno, she is an engineer by profession, and hobby artist. Since she was a child she had a strong passion for drawing and painting. The world of colors has always been a place to refuge, in to recover and to recharge energy after demanding and stressful moments. For some years she has entered in the world of ceramics that has always fascinated her. With some of her creations, she has taken part in various events that have taken place in the territory.

 Annalisa Ferrucci è nata a Salerno, è un ingegnere di professione e un’artista per hobby. Sin da piccola ha avuto una spiccata passione per il disegno e per la pittura. Quello dei colori ha sempre costituito per la stessa un mondo dove rifugiarsi per recuperare le energie e per ricaricarsi dopo momenti impegnativi e stressanti. Da qualche anno si è addentrata nel mondo della ceramica che l’ha sempre affascinata. Con alcune sue creazioni ha preso parte a diverse manifestazioni che si sono svolte sul territorio.