Miriam Gipponi

 Nome e Cognome: Miriam Gipponi
Provenienza: Salerno,Italy
Titolo dell’opera: Earth of Mothers – Terra di Madri
Dimensioni dell’opera: 33 cm x 30 ø
Tecnica e/o descrizione dell’opera: Red and white clay, colored crystallines, gold in third fire, brass.Hand modeled stoneware decorated with oxides and crystalline.

 In my work, I wanted to highlight maternity, intentional or imposed, in the aspects of care, taking charge, attention, and respect for the others, these are elements common to all women on a global level. The importance of this role, often undermined by the complexity of the contemporary world, is even more evident and emphasized right now in the time of Covid.

Descrizione Personale: 

Miriam Gipponi lives and works in Salerno. For years she has dedicated herself to experimenting and realizing ceramic works with various execution techniques. She participates in numerous international competitions and exhibitions. She graduated in Architecture at the Milan Polytechnic. She has been part of the Pandora Association since its foundation and she coordinates its main collaborative works and shares its mission that goes far beyond artistic research.

Miriam Gipponi vive e lavora a Salerno. Da anni si dedica alla sperimentazione e alla realizzazione di opere in ceramica con varie tecniche di esecuzione. Partecipa a numerosi concorsi e mostre internazionali. Laureata in Architettura presso il Politecnico di Milano. Fa parte dell’Associazione Pandora sin dalla sua fondazione e ne coordina i principali lavori di collaborazione e ne condivide la missione che va ben oltre la ricerca artistica.